domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Art Road en ArteZ/ Art Road on ArteZ TV Show

En los siguientes links podrán ver todos los programas de ArteZ en los que participó Art Road 2011.

Click on the following links to watch all ArteZ shows Art Road 2011 was on.

El color como hilo conductor/ Color as Connecting Thread

El artista plástico Roberto Dominguez se suma a la lista de prestigiosos artistas que nos acompañará en Art Road 2011. Los invitamos a descubrir su obra, plena de color y fuerza.


Plastic artist Roberto Dominguez joins the list of prestigious artists that will be present at Art Road 2011. Discover his work full of color and strength.

For further information:

Color, creatividad, fuerza e intensidad.../ Color, Creativity, Strength and Intensity...

Es un placer darle la bienvenida a Art Road 2011 a la artista plástica Violeta "Didi" Diehl. Se define a sí misma como "creativa, multifacética, sensible, colorida, impulsiva y mucho más..." Todo esto se ve reflejado en su obra. Los invitamos a disfrutarla.


It is a pleasure to welcome to Art Road 2011 plastic artist Violeta "Didi" Diehl. She defines herself as "creative, multi-faceted, sensitive, colorful, impulsive, and much more..." All these qualities reflect on her work. Enjoy it.